Entries in Nickels Sunshine (1)


Aug 31 - Sep 6

WED SEP 2: SCREENING + MUSIC: HOME AGAIN 8PM / FREE Adam Laiben screens his 2011 film, an adaptation of Yann Arthus-Bertrand's 2009 French documentary, Home. A six-minute short film by Laiben will accompany the feature film. Also, come early and stay late for live music by Izapa.



FRI SEP 4 - SUN SEP 6: EXHIBITION + PERFORMANCE: What It Means to Learn / Johanna Jackson & Dana Dart McLean

In addition to their individual work, Johanna Jackson and Dana Dart-McLean have used this opportunity to create collaborative paintings, sculpture, and installation. Each of the works on view engages a similar humor about blurring between representational and functional objects: a sculpture that is a mirror, a painting that is a hat.

At the opening, Peter Hernandez, Busy Gangnes, and Nickels Sunshine will dance in a collaboratively choreographed piece, using sculpture by Dana and Johanna.

OPENING RECEPTION: Friday, September 4, 7-9PM