Sep 17 - Sep 28

SUN SEP 20 - MON SEP 28: EXHIBITION + PERFORMANCE + FILM SCREENING: It's Just the Beginning -- Umbrella Movement anniversary exhibition. 「命運自主」 雨傘運動一週年展覽 - 洛杉磯
Hong Kong Forum Los Angeles presents a multi-disciplinary exhibition of the Umbrella Movement in Chinatown. The exhibition serves both as a reflection and a projection of Hong Kong’s struggle for democracy. It highlights moving moments from the protests, and the feverish creativity that blossomed throughout the strikes and occupations. It also offers an opportunity for the LA HK community to process and raise awareness about what is happening in our city collectively.
6PM: Opening
7:30PM: Musical Performance featuring songs of the Umbrella Revolution
7:30PM : Film Screening
THURS SEP 17: MUSIC: It's My Party!: Tribute Show to Girl Groups of the 1950s & 60s 8PM / $12 advance / $15 door
He loves me. He loves me not. He's from the wrong side of town. Parents don't understand. Boys are good. Boys are bad. These issues defined the sweet and sassy songs of girl groups from the 1950s & 60s. On Sept 17th at Human Resources, some of our favorite local bands will perform their favorite tunes from the early days of rock, pop, and rebels on motorcycles!
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