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MAY 9-MAY 14

SAT MAY 9: BENEFIT: HRLA BENE-FEST all day extravaganza 2PM-2AM

Come listen to new music, eat some hot dogs, have a scoop of ice cream, enjoy a drink and support HRLA! 2PM-6:30PM all ages; 8PM-1:30AM 21+  FB event page






THU MAY 13-MAY 21: INSTALLATION + PERFORMANCE: Jamie McMurry: Above Snakes  Reception on May 14th 7-10PM, Performance at 8PM sharp. 

In an extensive showing of installations and materials from his most recent conceptual art projects and performances, Jamie McMurry brings his solo exhibit, ABOVE SNAKES, to Human Resources with a reception on Thursday, May 14th from 7pm-10pm. There will also be a live performance entitled, DOUBLE WIDE beginning promptly at 8:00pm. Gallery hours: Wed-Sun, NOON-6PM FB event page



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