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FEB 20-MAR 8


FRI FEB 20-SUN MAR 8: GROUP EXHIBITION The Border Again, curated by Kelman Duran Opening Friday 2/20, 7-10PM, Gallery Hours: Thu-Sun noon-8PM.

Group show featuring artists who work in Tijuana and artists from Los Angeles who have made work in Tijuana and/or consider it as a context. Exhibition, video screenings, text by Luisa Fernanda Martínez and Reuben Torres, and open forums.



SATURDAY, FEB 21: Decompassion is an event presented by Filmmakers Ian Randolph and Solomon Gross in collaboration with  HRLA. One half film screening, one half live concert. There will be a exclusive Los Angeles premiere screening of Ian and Solomon's film festival selected short film "Background Music". This is documentary-based film chronicles one man's struggles and successes within the music industry as Rap hype man. 

Musical performances by Los Angles's emerging musical talents such as Verbs, Ryder Bach, Durga Chamber, Trenttruce, Potion, and TARK along side of
Dj RyToast providing a crowd pleasing mix in between sets.  Doors open at 9pm and ends at 1am. $5


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something new...

March 8, 2015 | Unregistered Commenterprice in India

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