

TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 23 - CAKE AND EAT IT: STRIKE HALLS - CLOTHING SWAP - Public Wardrobe. Bring clothing to swap or share and help build a conversation and a language around collective style. We’re looking to challenge the idea that militancy must reflect the hyper-masculine cisheteropatriarchy. We ask that fems, hard fems, lazy fems, high fems and anyone who finds strength in their feminine energy, join us as we use clothing to create a radical fem space. 7PM-9PM.  




THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 25 - CAKE AND EAT IT: STRIKE HALLS - FORUM - Art, Education, Justice Social event for artists, faculty, students, and allies. Join our ongoing conversation to help create a better future for higher education! Music, spiked punch, and special guests. 7PM-10PM. 



FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 26 - CAKE AND EAT IT: STRIKE HALLS - Natural Girl: a T-girl Night. A night of lounge, performance art and dancing centered on trans women and those that love trans women. Presented in collaboration with Emily Lucid, Zackary Drucker, Roxy Wood and Lee Samantha Faelnar Te. 11PM-4AM 


SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 28 - CAKE AND EAT IT: STRIKE HALLS - Look At These Fucking Artists #2. The art world often trades in exclusion. Continuing the conversations broached at the first LATFA, held at the 2012 Anarchist Bookfair, discussion will include: art world exclusion, careerism, racism, gentrification, pandering, elitism, labor exploitation, complicity with colonialist regimes and generally how and if art can be used to dismantle the police state and capitalism. In hopes of reducing immaterial labor in the prep for these talks, instead of formal presentations, the emphasis will be on vibrant, healthy, non-oppressive dialogue and snacks. 3-8PM

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