Dec 13-Dec 21

SATURDAY, DEC 13 Nikki Darling: Pink Trumpet and the Purple Prose — An ECONO TEXTUAL OBJECTS book launch and performance. 7PM
Nikki Darling is a music journalist/poet/experimental writer. ECONO TEXTUAL OBJECTS is experimentation within economic means for writers and artists pursuing aesthetic adventures grounded in working class realities. Celebrate the release of The Pink Trumpet!
Until Dec 14: Fayçal Baghriche: Walk the Walk. Large-scale installation meditating on everyday public life in Los Angeles. Gallery hours: Fri– Sun, noon-6PM. The artist is also available for private walkthroughs. To schedule a walkthrough or appointment with the artist email faycal[dot]baghriche[at]gmail[dot]com.
SUNDAY, DEC 14 Nixed Media at HRLA: Invisible Path + The Royal US + Lee Noble + Marcus M. Rubio Ensemble + Joe Newlin. 8PM, $5
This series opened in 2014 with Lee Noble, Marcus Rubio & Joe Newlin; it closes the year with the same, plus special guest stars Invisible Path. FB event page
SATURDAY & SUNDAY, DEC 20 & 21: Set the Mood: Performance, multi sensory art show by AMRA. Performance by Big Bugs, special guest Jeepneys and more. DEC 20th: Doors open at 8PM, show starts at 9PM. Closing, DEC 21: Doors open at 5PM, show starts promply at 6PM.
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