Nov 22-Nov 25

CLOSING EVENT for CARMEN ARGOTE's My Father's Side of Home
SAT NOV 22 16 Hour Experience (7PM): Join Carmen Argote in storytelling, card readings and a prolonged collective inhabiting of the gallery after-hours. Once started, the doors will shut and participants will commit to a durational interaction as a collective and develop through a new understanding of the space, each other, and the work through the act of collective inhabiting. A chance to realize the fantasy/fear of being "locked" in the museum after closing time! Contact HRLA for more info!
MON NOV 24 Decolonizing the White Box II: a panel discussion with Ricardo Abreu Bracho, Carolyn Castaño, and Amitis Motevalli. A follow up to last month's community gathering initiating conversation about structural racism in and around the art world, and exploration practices of a range of artists who inspire, make room, intervene and open up.
TUE NOV 25 WHITE MAGIC + MATTHEW DAVID'S MINDFLIGHT + MOOMAW ∆ 8PM, 7$. Music, projection, experience.
Reader Comments (1)
Thank you for this lovely work.