

THURSDAY OCTOBER 9: WARREN NEIDICH NSA-USA: Sound as Prophecy: The Complete Unabridged Version Performance/Installation - 8PM

This artwork focuses upon the culpability of the whistleblower Edward Snowden.It takes as its point of departure the recent scandal arising from the secret surveillance activities of the National Security Agency’s upon private citizens and politicians in the United States and abroad.



SATURDAY OCTOBER 11: The Best of Collage Night: The Oriental Picture Factory Presents Pictures from the Oriental Picture Factory Exhibit/Music/Fundraiser - Doors open at 8PM - $5 before 8PM or $10 after

The Oriental Picture Factory churns amazing, weird and schizophrenic collages on a weekly basis. In order to showcase some of these gems as well as to raise money for materials, the Oriental Picture Factory is throwing an art show/fundraiser!





SUNDAY OCTOBER 12: Art, Education and Justice  Social - 6PM-9PM

A social event for artists, faculty, students, and allies. Join the ongoing conversation to help create a better future for higher education! Music, drinks, and special guests.

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