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5.5.16 - DecolonizeLA: Cura Tierra Cura presents: DIS*Locate

Cura Tierra Cura presents:

DIS * Locate
A participatory performance where rocks, pollinators, plants and animals weave participants through critical conversation on displacement in our city and share healing practices of toning, movement and visualization for the future.


7-10 pm at Human Resources
Arrive by 7:30 to begin the evening in an honoring of the land and its people.


We seek to articulate together a critical and poetic view of the current dis*locate landscape; spheres of influence giving voice to some and not to others. What role does everybody play? How is the land and its flora and fauna affected? Can a dialogue exist between all parties? What kind of future are we building? This participatory installation and performance will share tools for healing; we seek balance.
Open to everyone. Displacement organizers (tennant right, NELA, ext) business owners, home owners, transplants, gentrifiers, policy makers, locals, and LA natives are especially encouraged to attend.


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