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9.20.15 - 9.28.15 It's Just the Beginning

It's Just the Beginning -- Umbrella Movement anniversary exhibition. 「命運自主」 雨傘運動一週年展覽 - 洛杉磯

6 p.m. : Opening 
7:30 p.m. : Musical Performance featuring songs of the Umbrella Revolution

7:30 p.m. : Film Screening 

Monday through Sunday : Noon to 8 p.m. 

In Fall 2014, Hong Kong experienced an unprecedented civic uprising. A series of students-led walkouts and sit-ins -- in protest of a legislative proposal by the National People’s Congress of China to assert control over Hong Kong’s electoral system -- escalated into a leaderless movement of massive civil disobedience that came to be known as the Umbrella Movement. Police tear gas and pepper spray did nothing to stop everyday people from coming out into the streets in droves to demand true democracy. Using umbrellas as shields, protesters shut down highways, tunnels, and bus routes, occupying major arteries of the city for 79 days, despite multiple crackdown efforts from the authorities. One year later, people of Hong Kong continue to fight for their future.

Hong Kong Forum Los Angeles presents a multi-disciplinary exhibition of the Umbrella Movement in Chinatown. The exhibition serves both as a reflection and a projection of Hong Kong’s struggle for democracy. It highlights moving moments from the protests, and the feverish creativity that blossomed throughout the strikes and occupations. It also offers an opportunity for the LA HK community to process and raise awareness about what is happening in our city collectively. 

The key images of the exhibition are drawn from "The Umbrella Festival", researched, curated and organized by Oscar Hing Kay Ho and the students at the Cultural Management Department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, first shown in Hong Kong in May 2015, presenting images and artwork by occupiers, artists and news photographers who participated in the movement. 

Other central contributors includes: 
// Hong Kong // 
Photographer Martin Witness
Cartoonist Max Ip 
Design Collective Hong Kong Social Design Narration
Sketching Umbrella Movement: Stella So, Wai Wai, Alvin Wong and members + more! 

// Los Angeles //
HKFLA community: Musicians Shirley To + Alan Chan, Artists Mei Lois Koa Morimoto, Monica Dong + Megan Dong + Sandra Fong + Lillian Chin + Wing Cheung + Perry Ng + more!

9月份將會係每個香港人感覺複雜的一月:因爲87粒催淚彈,因爲被政府暴力對待的同路人,因爲目睹香港嘅社會撕裂。作爲身在海外嘅香港人,雖然我們能力有限,但唔想坐係電視機面前感到無能爲力。在這一年,各位在外嘅同路人一直用各種方法向當地社會展示香港人追求公平自由嘅決心,而洛杉磯嘅香港人都唔例外。 而一年過後,洛杉磯嘅各位壇友籌備於9月20日至28日在唐人街 Human Resources Downtown LA 舉行主題展覽向當地社群解釋雨傘運動。


// 香港 // 
-- 馬丁-- 
-- 社會設計 --
-- 速寫遮打運動 : 慧惠, Stella So, Alvin Wong + members --
-- Mud Mud Mud 

+ 洛杉磯嘅香港人!

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