7PM-10PM PST July 10 & 11, 2014
Human Resources
410 Cottage Home, Los Angeles, 90012
It is late and everyone else who lives in this place is asleep.
You slither, disgusting, out of bed, on to the floor, up the wall, into the window sill and up against the screen, flesh pressed against the mesh. You produce a small box and smoke its contents, blowing the smoke through the window, away from this place.
You return the box to its hiding place and with your back to the wall, slip slowly towards the den.
The den has sliding doors and you slide them, carefully, feeling the vibrations carry up through the wood, all the way down from the plastic wheels in their greasy trough. Mutant and incognito, relatable.
Louie Louie is an opera and the conditions for an opera, dispersed into an art show, organized by the Faustus Group and hosted by Human Resources in Los Angeles for two nights only, July 10 and 11, 2014.
On the first night, Thursday July 10, the opera will begin at 7PM and end at 10PM. Two songs from the opera will be performed throughout the evening by an ensemble of shoeless musicians in a corral.
On the second night, Friday July 11, the opera will begin at 7PM and end at 10PM. There will be musical performances by Dug Mintz and Bernard Herman at 9PM.
Marcel Alcala
Lauren Anderson
Marco Braunschweiler
Ross Caliendo
Andrew Cannon
Aline Cautis
Alex Chaves
Francisco Cordero-Oceguera
Sam Davis
Michael Decker
Michael Dopp
Ryan Fenchel
Becket Flannery
Erik Frydenborg
Ben Goddard
Nicholas Gottlund
Justin John Greene
Maxfield Hegedus
Orr Herz
Parker Ito
Mackenzie Katter
Dwyer Kilcollin
Daniel Lane
Caleb Lyons
Nevine Mahmoud
Calvin Marcus
Orion Martin
Daniel Payavis
Sara Greenberger Rafferty
Benjamin Reiss
Paul Salveson
Justin Thomas Schaefer
Erin Schneider
Sylvie Spencer
Marisa Takal
Geoff Thais
Martine Syms
Andrew Normal Wilson
Nate Wolf
Alexander Wolfe
Hugh Zeigler
Vanesa Zendejas
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