5.24.14 (5pm) What Trickles Down, What Accumulates
***************Opening reception: May 24, 5-8pm*******************
Exhibition will be open for viewing noon-5pm May May 25-26
Saturday May 24, 5pm
------------------------------ Stencil Workshop to create memorials for victims of police violence and community violence
((workshop is free and participants may bring photos or email them to amitis11@gmail.com))
Sunday May 25, 2pm
Spoken word performance by Aloni Bonilla & others
An exhibition that examines systematic displacement inequality in Los Angeles, as well as the personal impacts of community violence, police homicides and incarceration.
What Trickles Down, What Accumulates
In dialogue will be installations, performances and workshops by Aloni Bonilla, Cake and Eat It, Veronique d'Entremont, Kim McGill, Amitis Motevalli, and youth from the FREE LA High School, Youth Justice Coalition, and youth held in detention at Juvenile Hall.
City of Lost Angels
The YJC and FREE LA high will be presenting a youth-designed memorial called City of Los Angels that honors loved ones and family members lost to community violence, police violence, and the criminal injustice system.
Aloni Bonilla - As a student at CalState LA, Aloni Bonilla was attacked and brutalized by a police officer while in custody. Aloni became an outspoken opponent of police violence through telling her story, as in the narrative performance she will present on Sunday May 25th.
Cake and Eat It - Cake and Eat it is an artist Collective that produces installations, happenings, performances and visual works that deal with the underbelly of gift economy, fashion, anarchism and queer identities. The work they will be presenting relates to their project of mapping the Los Angeles Police State, and reveals the layers of bureaucracy and obfuscation that frequently hide the facts.
Veronique d'Entremont explores systemic failure and recovery through her sculptural work and research. Veronique is currently facilitating a class at FREE LA High School based on Los Angeles's history of neighborhood disinvestment, displacement and gentrification. Veronique’s most recent work comes out of this research.
Kim McGill is an artist and organizer and co-founder of the Youth Justice Coalition of Los Angeles. Kim also serves on the Advisory Committee of "the Campaign for the Fair Sentencing of Youth". Kim is a strong and persistence voice in the struggle for justice for young people of color.
Amitis Motevalli uses signage, symbology from Iranian and Islamic/Shia art, an aesthetic and practice based in resistance, rebellion and sacrifice, to respond to international situations of police violence and militarized occupation within the specific communities which she creates her work. In her practice, Amitis produces stencils that honor the memories of police shooting victims in the location of the homicide. Amitis will be conducting a stencil-making workshop Saturday at 5pm, where participants are invited to produce stencils to honor victims of police and community violence.
The Youth Justice Coalition (YJC) is a youth, family and prisoner-led movement to challenge Los Angeles’ California’s and the nation’s addiction to incarceration, and race, gender and class inequality throughout the juvenile and criminal injustice systems. The YJC uses direct action organizing, advocacy, political education, activist arts and transformative justice to bring about change.
FREE LA high school, part of YJC, serves as an alternative to detention and incarceration for youth who face confinement, an educational site for youth who have been suspended or expelled from schools or entire districts, a school for youth returning home from lock-ups, and a more respectful and smaller program for youth who have left traditional schools discouraged.
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