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Tonight! Friday April 6th at 7pm - Eileen Myles and Chris Kraus read

Please join Eileen Myles and Chris Kraus as they read from their new books.

this is the most important thing in the world

I say aloud to everything

- Eileen Myles, author most recently of Snowflake/different streets, published by Wave Books, 2012.

In her first book of poetry since 2007, legendary poet, critic, and novelist Eileen Myles creates poet and poem anew as she pushed the boundaries of her craft ever closer to the enigmatic core.  Snowflake finds the poet awash in an extended and distressed landscape mediated by technology and its distortion of time and space.  In different streets, the poet returns home, to the familiar world of human connection.  Two books meet as one: more Eileen Myles, more indelible connection, more fleeting ecstasy.

Chris Kraus is the author of four novels and two books of art and cultural criticism.  Her next book, SUMMER OF HATE, will be published by Semiotexte in October.  She writes about Los Angeles art for Art in America and co-edits Semiotexte with Hedi El Kholti and Sylvere Lotringer.

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