07.18.15 Bulbs / Lee Noble / ZeekSheck / Tralphaz 
Friday, July 3, 2015 at 7:08PM
Human Resources

Doors at 8PM


Bulbs is guitar with pedals/PD and electronic drums, live electronics https://youtu.be/GLEryy02XL0?t=2h9m16s

Lee Noble Includes electronics, tape, guitar and voices https://leenoble.bandcamp.com/

Zeek Sheck recently released a record on resipiscent and it sounds like field recordings of alien life.  http://resipiscent.com/artist/view/46

Tralphaz is one being that can soundtrack the radiance of solar flares or metamorphic rock churning https://soundcloud.com/tralphaz

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Article originally appeared on Human Resources Chinatown Los Angeles (http://hrla.squarespace.com/).
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